A nEw bEgiNNiNg

Not a new beginning to my life... Nor my work... But the birth of my blog in Blogger :p So, what should I write? About my busy life with endless hours in my lab? Or my boring life with no expectation or goals to achieve?

NOOO!!!.. I have a lot of goals in my mind... A lot of things to be done in my life. A thousand question to be answer and a lot of maze to be solved.... But, how to start? When I can start? Which goals should I try to achieve first???

When can I get my PADI license? When can I get my MBA? When can I conquer another mountain? When can I go backpacking in China and Europe? Will my karma in my pass life (good and bad) help me achieve my goals?

Dear Buddha, please calm my soul and clear up my mind so I can see clearly what the road I am taking... Please guide me to conquer all obstacles in my life... I take refuge in you...

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!!!


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