29th IDC at SABS - Walking the tide of change

The day finally come and pass us by a breeze. So, what have I accomplish in this camp? From my own view, this camp have been successful for me and the participant. Why? B'coz we can really pass the message out. And the participant really enjoy the camp.

Let me recap the camp from Day 0 to Day 4 ( 28May-01Jun)

Day 0 - Damn stress. Working till 7pm, rushing back for dinner. Get a call from participant's mum (oh my god, she reach SABS at 8pm but nobody there). Desperate call to WeiLoong & KohPek. Luckily KP is around to meet her at SABS ( tension, tension). Reach SABS around 9.30pm and start to get bz...
Day 1 - (Suffering Day) All committee/faci must treat the participant badly ( bad food, bad mood etc etc). How can I do that? Haha, we at IDC are so kind and friendly but we must do that coz that is what the flow of the camp is about ( I avoiding the participant and ignoring almost all of them). The idea of getting winner to be punished during Workshop 1 almost a riot.

My group on 1st day, REWOLFNUS (SUNFLOWER) during 1st Workshop (Actually there is 8 but one is hiding). They get no.5 so not punished.
Day 2 - (Happy Day) After 1st day, we are able to interact nicely with all of them ( Oh, so good to be my ownself :)) Opening ceremony around 7am and getting complain from neighbour b'coz we are so noisy ( INCOVARian are loud :))

Opening ceremony at rooftop
The group I faci with KohPek for all 4 days, DAILNENDO (DANDELION)

With IMUian! Thank u, WenYi&KenJuin for liaising with me b4 the camp.

Day 3 - (IXP Day) The day come and pass and by 3rd day, I already so tired that I almost collapsed. Luckily can sleep when participant go for talk... Preparing for IXP from morning til nite, congratulation to Programmer for the brilliant idea ( staging of love& break-up, winner&loser, health&sickness, and live&death). Become faci again for another group. I don't want to be faci of IXP, my voice can be guess easily and the stress& tension during IXP is so high that I almost heart-attack. Luckily there is Allex to help me out. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu...

Klang kia

My eye almost closed coz very sleepy. See WL behind, courting someone ( Haha :))

Day 4 - (Sayonara) Waking up late coz too tired. Again been 'bullied' during Committee blindfold. For the record, those bad bad things that someone do that you all guess is me IS NOT me ( mine is the one with question about horoscope Virgo but u guess Allex :p )

Getting 'bullied' by my evil group, DAILNENDO

Thanks everyone for making this 29IDC a sucessful camp...


WenYi said…
haha^^ welcome welcome...aiseh, u "jumped" into the IMU gang, so I also dunno what to say ;p jz jk..hehe...

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