28th IDC at KCBA 29nov-02dec07


After not blogging for quite a long time (lazy ler), let me start again :)
Juz came back from 28th IDC in KCBA. Although tiring but really fun and enjoy a lot. This camp is about 'Mental Cultivation'. This mean that we need to think a lot in the camp. There are 7 groups (9-10ppl each group) named with 7 factor of awakening (I m the faci for Samadhi wif E-wen). Thanks to group members of Samadhi for your cooperation and really happy to be your faci.

Committee, faci & helper
There are good and bad time during the preparation until the end of the camp but I know I already learned a lot. Thanks to everyone who make this happen.


Wennie said…
Ah wei pak!!!!!!!!!!
i din know u got blog :)
happy to have u as my faci!!
really had lots of fun during the 28th idc...

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