This day last year 709 (9th July 2011)
Recalling back this day last year, I remember it was a very historical day for Malaysia as a whole. This is the day when Malaysians as a whole, coming out in forces to rally for a better future of Malaysia. This day also culminating into me deciding to join BERSIH 3.0 on 28th April 2012 and get into war with Malaysia with hundreds of thousands of Malaysians. However, what I did on 709? On this day, I lost a friendship. I remember I went to watch Transformers: Dark of The Moon with one of my close friend. And the first time I ate at WENDY's . Hahaha ~_^ This event etched into my heart because this is the last time I watch movie with her and since then, one year have passed and our friendship deteriorating until almost non-existent. From the times when we can talk and messages each other everyday, but now, I don't even know her present situation, present life, and present work. To be fair, I know that girls do this to friends when they get a boyfriend but then, I still...